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"Appreciating My Art"... from the archives of my journal

Here, CHOKING on the dissatsfaction that is, my life; I'm nearly BLINDED by the overwhelmingly superfluous events that came together to create it. A DAUNTING collage of failures and missed attempts, lay atop the blueprint of my destiny. BOMBARDED by all I'd done wrong and completely set apart from my dream; I felt given no other choice but to stand watch as my helplessness RAPIDLY transformed to hopelessness

DOOMED, awaiting my now unchangeable fate, I'm UNKNOWINGLY quenched by drops of Love. Adorned along my trail of pain, lie tiny gems of BEAUTY.... Trinkets of peace, to get me through what lay in wait.

Being focused solely on all that felt wrong, made it impossible to catch all that was SO RIGHT! Counteracting the grudge the Universe seemed to have against me, was the favor of many. Murphy's Law had me, yet, God's will saved me!

It was NOW, that I realized there was much more going on for me, than against me. The number of wounds that plagued me had NOTHING on the endless amount of stitches sent to heal me

For every valley, there is a peak.... For every death, there's life.... For every ending, there, waits a new beginning... And for every tear shed, a burden is lifted!

I now know, that in order to interpret YOUR authentic self, you must dive, boldly, into YOUR  life's montage... For there, in lies the fine print. Simply Stated and Easily Translated: "Trouble can't last always." A PROMISE, potent enough to reawaken your once lifeless optimism. AND, in accepting thistruth, we are FREED from the illogically, hypothetical thoughts that kept us BOUND and BLINDED by the true beauty of our Cluttered Canvases..... Better known as: An Indescribable Masterpiece!


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