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State of the Heart

Deeper than the Pacific. Carefree you frolic, within. Unaware of the intense pressure you dispense upon my soul. Plunging, and diving, stretching far beyond its seemingly non-existent limits.

Where there is no boundary, you find... On a verge, that never was, you stand. Testing my patience... Conspicuously measuring my love.

I see clearly how selfish you've become BUT like a fool... your fool, I'm ignorant to it's consequences.

I fell victim to your trap. Charmed by the lullabies after lies, you'd soothe. Knocked entirely from the realization that I've spent years avoiding ANYONE like you.

You push... I pull. And vice versa until we're found in this full blown "tangling-tango". A dance that leaves me dizzy, stumbling, desperate to grasp the knob of any door. A jig, I can't stand; but one you seem to have mastered. Because at the first sign of my desire to bow out, gracefully... you squeeze my hand tighter, pull me closer and continue to lead us in this endless sway.

Begrudgingly, I go through the motions of this mystifying situation. I do, but I don't. And I always will, so I won't--end this crazy charade. Under a spell you've cast, I haven't the strength to lift. Suffocating beneath an, otherwise, avertable state. A state that is not sound of mind, but one that is utterly absent of logic. A state of stupidity... A state of irrationality...  A state of the heart.


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