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The Truth: Behind The Bump

My Dearest Followers (both proclaimed and ghost, alike),

I have been spending DAYS trying to write this blog entry on my latest IG (@iamTendaroni) posts/hoax.— That’s right! A hoax. I was and am NOT pregnant! And I only apologize 1) for anyone who’s feelings were truly hurt by my taking advantage of the spirit of April Fool’s Day and the very visible symptom— Oh, yeah! That bulging belly is very much real w/ ZERO manipulation on my part to appear that way. And 2) I sincerely apologize for the confusion that accompanied an incredibly long break between posting and explaining. Because my initial reasons for said “ruse” were (& still to an extent) simply to raise awareness of just how dead serious I am when I say “chronic/late stage Lyme Disease affects EVERYTHING!  As well as, the incredibly HARSH realities us Lymie Women must face when it comes to pregnancy outside the comforts of remission.... 

... but then came the comments— all positive and pro-life—- leading me to realize, y’all, haven’t been digesting a thing I’ve said! Which is why I felt the inevitable backlash of a mock pregnancy on April-Fuggin-Fool’s Day would be well worth it!

And I was right b/c this awarness wrapped in a prank has taken on a COMPLETE life of it’s own. From this lil IG post sprung so many other topics/conversations that need to be STARTED throughout not only the Lyme/Chronically Ill Community, but the entire human realm! Things like:

  • Self Isolation 
  • Depression/Anxiety/Rage
  • The Difference between Fair-weathered and All-weather Support
  • Social Anxiety
  • Financial Instability 
  • Social Acceptance 
  • The Effects of Neglect/Abandonment... etc.

Guys, I just spent my 5 year Anniversary of my Lyme Diagnosis (4/8/13) getting settled into a hospital bed (which partically hence my delay lol). And May (Lyme AND lupus Awareness Month— both very similar) is just around the corner and I plan to go even harder w/ this Lyme Advocacy! ESPECIALLY, in the wake of meeting and falling in love with two awe inspiring kids... both under 10yrs old... both BORN w/ the disease...

The 3 Surefire Ways of Contracting:
  1. Tick Bite (Lyme Disease is a Tickborne Illness)
  2. Blood Transfusion (receiving blood from a Lyme Sufferer)
  3. In Utero (Positive Mom passes disease to her fetus)
... and going through the same ignorant ass mistreatment! And, unfortunately, it only gets worse from here. So, a series of blog entries are necessary for the amount of light that needs to be shed on this— this FAR from uncommon disease. This is just the tip of the iceberg... not even!

This is my assignment and I will not rush the process and instead get an early start for a change. But you all were also very much overdue for the truth. I am NOT pregnant and wasn’t to begin with. BUT, fret not, because every prayer sent up for “my baby” we’re not wasted. Each and everyone has  been forwarded to...
  • All the PETRIFIED Lymie Mommies-To-Be who are sincerely more anxious to see their baby’s Lyme Test Results than their child’s actual face.—  I also sent them to 
  • Mommies forced to choose between continuing their treatment and an automatic high risk pregnancy.— And some to 
  • The helpless mom(s) that cried themselves to sleep last night after holding their child as they did the same due to an ungodly amount of pain not even a mother’s placebo-wrapped kiss could heal.— Oh!
  • And the pregnant mom who won’t find out she’s even sick until symptoms start to present in their child as he/she grows leading to a positive diagnosis of  Lyme.
Lyme Literacy is nigh! And forgive me for no longer wanting to throw my pearls (of wisdom) to swine. Liiike... you all have NO CLUE how many Lyme Advocates you’ve already lost! Simply b/c WE (the Lyme ridden advocates) are sick of warning y’all’s self-convinced invincible asses! So, this was pretty much a Hail Mary. My last attempt to get you all’s attention about a PANDEMIC worthy disease known also as “The Great Imitator” but what I’d like to call “The Great Equalizer” because NO ONE is exempt from it’s horrors! Period. 

So, just for conclusion sake:
  • No. I am not pregnant and was never with child
  • Yes. That was my real belly! But, no, it is not always like that
  • Yes, there will be a more detailed follow up post for clarification purposes. View it as a written BTS (behind the scenes) adaptation if you will 
  • If you think you’re in your feelings now, wait until next entry
  • BYOT (Bring Your Own Teacup) b/c I’m gonna be spilling a lot this season, in honor of my 5th Year as an officially dx’d “Lymie”
  • There was no malicious intent involved 
  • No! It definitely was not supposed to go on this long! Smh
  • Yes, I had a bit of help.
  • And could this have been done another way?! ABSOLUTELY! And it has... folks just tend to acknowledge what they choose. *shrugs* Besides, I’d be a FOOL not to take advantage of the spirit of the day & my fruitless bump. And an even bigger one NOT to run w/ it after seeing it generate over 300x’s more view than my previous “most viewed” videos AND IT HAD NO SOUND!!! Lol
So, now that I have your attention, PLEASE follow me and let’s talk Awareness and PREVENTION!!!! ‘Cause I’m about to show you what this Lyme Life can really put you through! 

Ty(ree) 💚💪



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