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An Open Letter to My Mother on Mother's Day ❤️

My Dearest Mommie,

I've been lying here for hours just trying to find the words to express how much you are to me. But it's hard to pick the big things or significant things out of EVERYTHING... because that is what you are to me, Ma. You are EVERYTHING!!!! 

This road has not been an easy one for us. There have been many a speed bump and quite a few hurdles. But here we are just on the cusp of 28 years later and you are still not a ray short of my sunshine! ☀️ From my birth up until this very moment, our journey has NOT been easy. But thanks be to God, he lent me YOU!!!-- I'd go on to list all your AMAZING qualities... i.e. Your compassion, your drive, your FIGHT, your smile, your UNCONDITIONAL love for me & my siblings; as well as your adopted grandchildren. You're effing (see how I purposely censored myself 'cause I know you don't like it when I drop those f-bombs. 🙄 Only for you, on your day! 🙊)... but the remainder of who you you are (ALL GOOD THINGS) is truly endless! 

Mum, you hold me down like NO ONE else! You have love me, even when I am truly unloveable. You have nursed me back to health and life YEARS before doctors began turning me away. My thoroughest girl, you have listened and heard my truth when everyone else turned a deaf ear. You see me! Not for who I am right now, but the little ball of carefree whimsy you birthed roughly 28 years ago. And I have no idea know how! 

The venom I spewed at you-- Honestly, because you were the only one that cared to hear WHATEVER it was I had to say-- had no known antidote. The disrespect I've shown you, I continuously kick myself over! Even after I apologized, sincerely, in my lucid state. The endless amount of days you've spent at my side in the hospital. The endless nights I cried and you stayed up to make sure I wasn't alone! (Sweet, Jesus, here come the waterworks 😭😩😭) The untouchable amount of hours you spent, merely, yet INCREDIBLY, being patient with me.--Woman! I swear, Job ain't got nothing on you! 💯

Goodness, I could go on and on and on about the beauty that is your spirit. And I pray, every single day, that I inherited just a fraction of your light ✨Just one ounce of your strength 💪 And if I do, there's no doubt in my heart, mind, or soul, that I when the dust from this storm settles, I KNOW I'll be all right!-- The love you've given my siblings and I, and BEYOND, will span the length of time! God truly broke the mold when He created you and because of that, my heart weeps! Because the world needs so much more of YOU!!! AND if He too sees fit to give me children of my own and I am just HALF the mother you are to us, I'd be the best fucking (sorry! I had to... for emphasis 😏) mother to come out of the millennial era EVER!!!! And THAT I sincerely believe wholeheartedly.

Mommie, you are AMAZING and it has been my honor to live my entire life being utterly amazed by you! You are my favorite person. My greatest ride-or-die! The epitome of Grace under fire. The greatest example of earthbound agape love. And on today, I have two things I want to give you: 1) An open apology for continuously breaking your heart over the years. You are the last person I'd ever want to hurt, but, somehow you've always been the first I've cut. I've taken advantage of your presence, your kindness, your LOVE! And for that I will forever be ashamed.
 But 2) I vow, today, to work, tirelessly, mending that beautiful heart of yours, partially broken by my own tongue. "Heavy is the head that wears the crown." But chin up because I'm coming back and I gotchu, boo! 

Momma, I love you! And I swear, I am going to make you proud! I'm going to beat this monster and walk with you hand-in-hand to whatever promised land that awaits us! 'Cause I can't see me there without you, my fierce lioness!-- Oh! And thank you for possessing the wisdom in knowing that "a mother's work is NEVER done." AND not only being equipped for the job, but also DOIN' THE DAMN THING!!!-- You have been, you are, and forever will be THEE PERFECT mother for me! 


"For you, I'd lasso the moon 🌙 and hand you the string!" -Tyree Davis



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