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Things are Happening!!!!!

Oh, Mylanta!!!! To say that I've missed pouring my heart out to you guys is an understatement. I truly apologize to my regular readers for being t-totally MIA! Since my last post, nearly a year ago, things have been quite trying, to say the least. It's been very hard for me to type (still is), as well as put together a cohesive thought. The amount of fog that's been cluttering my brain has been BANANAS... and y'all know, I fuggin HATE bananas! lol

And if I'm gonna be terribly honest with you guys, I've been completely OVER the whole "Lyme Light." I am so much more than a sick chick, and I'm over that being my persona! I got to a point that, if I never heard anyone ask me about the illness or even mention the words, "Lyme Disease", it would be all too soon. I've only been diagnosed, with the nation's most controversial disease, for 2 years and had already grown tired of the constant questions... questions about how my treatment was going... How long until they think you'll go into remission?... When are they going to put you back on IV antibiotics?...Have things gotten any better?... Ugh!!! Questions that all came from sincere concern, with nothing but good intentions. And you may be thinking: How ungrateful of you?! And I have an answer to that... I'm not. I mean, just think of it this way, this disease seeks to kill me. Period. It has been in my system for so, reproducing and shit, literally, killing me, in the most deliberate, obnoxious way possible. It has taken a good chunk of life! In fact, my entire adult life! I don't remember what it's like to not be in pain. I don't remember what it's like to not have this thing, that has RIDDLED my entire system for YEARS... decades, even. Like, my gah damn insides must glow lime green by now. So, from where I'm sitting, those constant questions... (mind you the only subject anyone knows or chooses to converse with me over)... to me, it's equivalent to going up to a burn victim and immediately starting the conversation off with, "SoOoo, how are the skin grafts treatin' ya? Is this as far as they are going to go, cosmetically? Like, is there anymore they can do?"... YOU WOULD NEVER FUCKING ASK THAT!!!! So, why begin or make an entire conversation with me about the very shittiest thing that has ever happened to me?!... Just a little food for thought. I'm all for Lyme Awareness and educating EVERYONE I possibly can on the matter; just keep in mind that there's a difference between asking about Chronic Lyme Disease/Late Stage Lyme Disease and making small talk with me and that be the main, and usually ONLY, topic of discussion. Just saying, there's more to me than Lyme.

I was seriously going bat shit crazy, entertaining questions and concerns about something I just didn't want to think about. I mean, SHIT! Going through it everyday was eye glazing enough! I was at the end of my rope. I refused to go to the local support group with my mom. I'd push off appointments with my LLMD (Lyme Literate Medical Doctor). Back in May (which is Lyme Disease awareness month, as well as, Lupus Awareness Month), I think I may have posted one thing, if anything at all on the issue. I was soOoo gah damn over it, my mouth is worse than that off a pissed off sailor with a severe case of gout, during a 2 week rain storm.

But, then, right as I was in the midst of my breaking point, something amazing happened. An old classmate of mine contacted me, after seeing a video (which I will post the link to towards the end of this post, 'cause you have to see it, in order to get the full picture) contacted me and told me how much the video of me, not even at my worse, affected him. Literally, the last person... nope, not even... a gentleman I would have never in a million years think would reach out to me, not only reached out to me but was inspired in a way that left me near speechless and in tears. A now, man, I'd hadn't seen or spoken to in, at least, 12 years, decided after struggling to watch the video I posted (it's not graphic or anything. I promise!) Kept telling himself, "[He] had to do something." And he did just that! I inspired him to learn more about Chronic Lyme... and boy was he educated!!! I spoke to him for over an hour as he told me what he was putting together. And lemme tell you, 2 months later and I'm still in awe of his compassion and drive to put together, along with a few of my other former classmates, a Lyme Disease Awareness Banquet!!!! Uh... Can you say, "God is good?!" The very thing that I'd been trying to bring awareness to, since my diagnosis, is now beginning to be taken as serious as it is! This is one HUGE step in shedding light on Lyme and I know this is only the beginning. Sooner rather than wayyy too late, b/c by 2020, most of the nation's population WILL  have contract Lyme disease... we're talking well over 80% here. And long will be the days of the Western Medical Community referring to Chronic Lyme Disease, as simply, "No such thing."

I'm so excitable about this event that, I know, will give birth to many more like it. Just watch. And to be the inspiration of something, not only dear to my heart, but will also educate and save so many lives is overwhelming to me! I never expected the response I got from posting something, I honestly didn't think twice about. I'd been doing my own personal video diaries since my diagnosis back in April 2013; so when this particular symptom occurred, I just picked up my iPad and pressed record. The response I received was, honestly, more than I bargained for. I was baffled by ppl saying they were in tears watching it and how difficult it was to watch, especially, for the ppl who've met me and never even knew I was ill. It wasn't a big deal to post, to me, because this was one of the least of my struggle with Lyme. Every comment that I read or every repost that I saw, caused me to go back and review what I posted and not one time, during my MANY times re-watching did I understand why such a commotion... I had, and still have that kind of  reaction b/c this is my normal. What I posted publicly was nothing out of the ordinary for what I or my fellow "Lymies" go through privatelyWe fight this seemingly impossible battle everyday! We are strong. We are survivors! Whether "the powers that be" choose to acknowledge it or not. We will be taken seriously. The "Lyme Community" will be given the respect we deserve.

Please watch and Share!!! And even if you're not in the Annapolis area, SHARE!!!


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