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Real Recognize Real

The beginning of this year has led me to cash some serious reality checks! 

For years now, my reality was clear:

  • I am who I am! 
  • I'm a creature of comfort. 
  • I have not and will never like bananas. 
  • I am not well.
  • I believe that actions speak volumes!
  • I am bullshit intolerant.
  • I'm far from perfect!
  • Not everyone's gonna like me & wasting my time trying to please them will NEVER be on my to do list.
  • I am strong but can grow weary.
  • I. Am. Human!!!!

Knowing who I am has been important to me. But in keeping true to myself I allowed some situations and people into my life w/o first getting to know their truth in relation to me. (Follow me on this one. We're going in deep...)

I stayed in situations that far exceeded their expiration date b/c I was in denial. I allowed myself to be treated less than anyone should ever deserve. I thought if I just stayed the course, they'd understand what an asset I was & get some act right... *shakes head vigorously*... WRONG!!! I was in over my head w/ some serious fakery! And I let these bullshit force feeding ass bastards in wayy too close for comfort. So much so that in just a few short months, I'd been:

  • lied to
  • lied on
  • disrespected
  • mistreated
  • misunderstood 
  • misinformed
  • character bashed
  • treated as if I were stupid
  • treated as if I had NO feelings
  • disregarded
  • manipulated
  • misused

And it wasn't until the end of last year that I began to tap into this bologna!!! Once I was no longer blinded by unrequited feelings, it was time to weed out the true from the false. I had to get back to #1! My health was declining and so was my patience for ignorant ass peeps. I wasn't gonna go through this again! Not when I made a vow to myself the last time it happened. 

I made mental note of who really cared by concentrating more on their actions rather than continuing to listen to the shit they'd speak just to fill the void of silence. I know ALL of what the fakes said/did behind my back because the reals were protecting it! I know who was where when they said they were somewhere else. I know who said what about me, when they knew NOTHING about me. I got the memo and read it oh, so carefully. And crossed off EVERY name that soon revealed themselves "non-mutha-fuckin' factors".  

To be honest I had plans of serious vengeance at first but I was DONE wasting my time on those who used me simply to fill in their empty slots. No more!!! I now know who's there for me when I need them: Few but true, they got my  back!!! 

I'm not the prettiest or the smartest or the nicest but I am and always will be human, just like you! And I always expect to be treated as such... if not, you better do like the late, great, MJ and beat it!


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