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Showing posts from 2015

Things are Happening!!!!!

Oh, Mylanta!!!! To say that I've missed pouring my heart out to you guys is an understatement . I truly apologize to my regular readers for being t-totally MIA! Since my last post, nearly a year ago , things have been quite trying, to say the least. It's been very hard for me to type (still is), as well as put together a cohesive thought. The amount of fog that's been cluttering my brain has been BANANAS ... and y'all know, I fuggin HATE bananas! lol And if I'm gonna be terribly honest with you guys, I've been completely OVER the whole "Lyme Light." I am so much more than a sick chick, and I'm over that being my persona! I got to a point that, if I never heard anyone ask me about the illness or even mention the words, " Lyme Disease" , it would be all too soon. I've only been diagnosed, with the nation's most controversial disease, for 2 years and had already grown tired of the constant questions... questions about how my ...