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25 Things that Make Me... ME!!!

SoooOo, I've been reviewing my stats and apparently, you all really enjoy my more "lighthearted" post... and DAMMIT, I like to write 'em!!! Therefore, in this particular entry, I thought I'd let you guys in on some "Fun Facts" about ME!!!!

But, before I do, I wanna make something VERY clear. *Ahem* I do NOT do this blog in an attempt to collect pity. I understand that certain aspects of my life may cause some of my readers to "feel for [me]'' but chill w/ that! We all have problems and pain and struggle. This just so happens to be something I have to deal w/ because... well... I can. God will never allow anything to happen in some one's life that they couldn't handle. Hearing someone say those words to me is insulting. To me, you've  basically already accepted my defeat. And I don't need that kind of energy around me!-- I am dedicated to this blog b/c I know I'm not the only one. I know how relieving it is to find that there's someone, somewhere, feeling the exact same way I do. And sometimes, the best way to get through hard times, is to know, you're not alone. PLUS, I really just want to be understood. That's all!!! So, don't cry for me, Argentina. *pats chest confidently* I GOT THIS!!!!!

Anywho, let's get back to the original topic at hand... 25 Truths about your girl:

  1. I love me some Him!!! In all my ways, He keeps me!!! I will forever been MADLY in love w/ the Creator of the Universe. Keep your theories, I know The Truth.
  2. I hate bananas. That will NEVER change.
  3. I have a thousand and one nicknames. None of which has any relation to the other. And I answer to every one as if given to me at birth.
  4. I HATE my lil infantile ass speaking voice and RARELY use it. Like, my bestie JUST found out about my secret shame.
  5. True Life: I have a bit of a potty mouth.
  6. "What I don't know can't hurt me." <--- FALSE... Herpes.-- I've always thought that statement/mindset was a terrible excuse to remain ignorant.
  7. Children are scary. Don't get me wrong, a lot of them are cute and all, but that's where the appeal begins and ends, for me. I used to be a fan, but I'm finding, they just don't make 'em like they used to no mo'.
  8. I LOVE to act!!!! Even more than writing. I wake up every morning thinking about it & go to sleep every night craving it. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to perform in FOREVER and I truly miss it more than anything!!!
  9. I'm extremely protective of my family. There are people that have been in my life for YEARS that have JUST found out, I'm not an only child. No one can talk about my family BUT me. No one meets my family unless I deem you worthy.
  10. I lie, pretty much, everyday. For instance, "How are you feeling?" Me: "Well"... Are you okay?" Me: "Yep"
  11. When I love someone, I love them for life.
  12. The longest relationship I've had, has been w/ my 7 year old dog. *shrugs* Judge me. 
  13. Two words that best describe me: "Forever Inappropriate"
  14. I do see color... I just don't care.
  15. Chapped lips are the most uncomfortable thing in the WORLD!!!!
  16. The best insults are the one's that make no sense. For example, "Whatever! That's why ya mama got 'cradle cap' ya foggy, glass eye-wearing, bitch!"... Now, tell me that ain't funny.  
  17. Stray cats creep me the FUCK out!!!
  18. My middle name used to be EMBARRASSING but now, I adore it! From the moment I was born, 'til the day I die, I will FOREVER be a Pretty Young Thing!!!
  19. I have a history of going through some very intense phases that make about as much sense as smelling the color 9. (see previous entry "Does that make me Crazy??")   
  20. I don't find myself funny or attractive.-- That's not me fishing for compliments, it's just fact #20.
  21. And w/ that being said, I do NOT do well w/ compliments. Prolly cuz I'm not a fan of attention.
  22. I can only have "girl talk" for about 20 mins at a time w/o my eyes glazing over. Talking exclusively about boys and feelings and dream weddings is not my idea of a good time. 
  23. Seriously, I'm very rarely serious... Just can't risk the frown lines. lol
  24. I have the greatest support system in the world!-- Fuck w/ them & I will not hesitate to personally welcome your ass to hell.
  25. I'm a Taurus, through and through.

...The more you know ;)


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