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Showing posts from December, 2011

Decisions... Decisions...

Within the past few months I've been doing some HEAVY thinking... like, to the point of literally giving myself a headache. There's been so much going on in my life lately... (I feel like a broken record, saying that, but w/ every passing day it seems like the hits just keep on comin') ... new people... new events... new problems... new discoveries. All these changes, ALL at once! I'm a Taurus ... I can't handle this shit!!!! And w/ all that's going on in my life lately, I've been really contemplating the future... MY future . Going back and forth and up and down and all around, STRUGGLING , w/ decisions I may never even have to make.-- I guess the majority of the stress I'm under comes from my own inner conflicts . I've found what I'm sure to be the disease I have, OR, shall I say, the disease I know's progressing, rapidly inside of me. So, of course, I've been proactive & downright OBSESSED w/ every little bit of it...