Since I've last posted we know all about my condition and what it entails.... Well... at least what I'll share. It's a painful, debilitating, unknown disease, and blah.. blah.. blah ... sound about right??-- Coolio!-- WELL, as a result of said "condition" I have been thinking (a little TOO hard) and have further created more holes in my stomach. (remember: I have ulcers) ... THE POINT IS: I want a baby ! Yesterday. I do! I really REALLY do! I've always been fascinated w/ pregnancy and childbirth and babies in general! I love the lil suckers. I always thought as a kid I'd be a mom in my early 20's but I'm 22 now and... kinda... well... man-less. And thus, fruitless:-( *taps imaginary watch* Oh, can't you see?! Times'a wastin'!!!! Now you may be thinking, "Bish! What, pray tell, does ur disorder (or lack there of) have to w/ you being lonely and barren?!"<------ THAT IS IT! That right there! ... What if I am in...
I have been battling a weakened immune system most of my life. And for well over a decade, I've been ill with Late Stage Lyme Disease, but having just been diagnosed, April 2013. Now, USUALLY, I don't like to share my business BUT I'm finding I'm not the only one living a life filled w/ pain. So follow me and better understand my tale of the sheer unnecessary! Whether you can learn/relate OR even get a laugh or two out of this, it's DEF worth the read... ENJOY THE RIDE!!!... somebody has to;)