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Showing posts from 2021

2020: TyLand, has Fallen (Part I)

***WARNING: The following content is intended for mature audiences. It contains a whole lotta BULLSHIT no man, woman, or child should EVER have to endure. But is wayyy more common than we, as a people, acknowledge. Yet, and still: Reader's discretion is advised.*** Liiiike... I'm NOT exaggerating. So, let's just take a few DEEP , cleansing breaths before we dive into all this mess.-- Yep! Just like that. IN & OUT ... IN & OUT ... Once more... DEEP breath IN ... & completely emptying your lungs, breathe it all OUT !-- Beautiful! Now, let us begin.  OoooOoh, I'm so nervous!!! lol Like, IMMEDIATELY, nausea. Good Lord. *face palm* Liiiike, guys 1) Barely ANY of what I'm about to divulge has much at all to do with my Lyme Journey... liiike, we'll run into it a here and there during this sip & see beyond the comforts of the veil-- well, more like a tapestry-- that separates my clinical transparency from my valued personal privacy... If that makes...