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Showing posts from May, 2020

31... A Birthday Story

Heyyy!!! My good golly it's been a while since I passed through here. The Lyme induced dyslexia has been at bay for a while now so I figured I say hi. I've missed you guys!!! Since I last posted, MY GAWD , have things in my life changed?!-- Today I turn 31 years old and my mind simply cannot conceive it! I'm blessed. Who knew this day would come other than God?? 'Cause I for sure damn didn't. *shrugs* (I know we can use emojis now but the asterisk life just feels right today. lol) I dunno if you can sense it yet but I come to you all today drentched in so much joy! Sincerely. And it feels kinda scary to say outloud. B/c every other time I THOUGHT I was headed in the right direction in life, Life's, petty ass would snatch me RIGHT back with the quickness. It was a nevering ending cycle. To the point that I was left with so much egg on my face, I was afraid of speaking positively over my own life. Scared of getting my feelings hurt once again due to ...