Heyyy!!!!! I'm back and better than ever before... Seriously. As of late, I've been feeling a lot better. Thanks to my amazing support system, I'm on my way to brighter days. I got new health insurance, a new medical team, new meds, and a brand new love.... ME!!!!! The heavens have opened up and poured me out a serious blessing!!!!! And lemme tell you, I am BEYOND grateful. I always say that I've spent the past few years "strength training" and OH MYLANTA , did I need it!!?! In no way, shape, or form was I ready for what life had to throw at me. And BOY did it test my character & my faith! The bullshittiest of the bullshit found a way to litter my path. Shit that didn't even pertain to me, made it's way to haunt me! Sheer NONSENSE was all I could account for in my life and something HAD to be done! ... SoOoo, naturally I panicked and isolated myself from all things EVERYTHING until I could get this malarkey under control. *sh...
I have been battling a weakened immune system most of my life. And for well over a decade, I've been ill with Late Stage Lyme Disease, but having just been diagnosed, April 2013. Now, USUALLY, I don't like to share my business BUT I'm finding I'm not the only one living a life filled w/ pain. So follow me and better understand my tale of the sheer unnecessary! Whether you can learn/relate OR even get a laugh or two out of this, it's DEF worth the read... ENJOY THE RIDE!!!... somebody has to;)