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Showing posts from November, 2011

There's a Blessing in the Storm

Wow ... time truly flies when you're a miserable, pathetic sack of woe .... Just kidding... kinda. It's def been a struggle lately,  BUT , I will say that for every storm that has clouded my view, there, emerged a  breathtaking  rainbow... sometimes, (RARELY) even two!!! SoOoooo... if you don't mind, allow me to update you... I LOVE words... can't get enough of 'em... they're AMAZING!!!! But lately, a lot of these words... for me... hold different connotations. For instance,  Stress:   The past 2 months of my life... and counting . --It seems that w/ every flare-up (when my condition and pain is most severe) that word, "stress," recreates itself. It's baffling, really. From family issues, to my own personal financial crisis... to ME getting in my own way... * rolls eyes *... as usual. I cannot catch a break!!  .......Still every morning I, unbelievably , manage to wake up w/ a new found optimism... like shit in my life...